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broou surf forecast & reports

11 Oct 2019 App Of The Day

broou surf forecast & reports

by broou

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  • broou surf forecast & reports
  • broou surf forecast & reports
  • broou surf forecast & reports
  • broou surf forecast & reports
  • broou surf forecast & reports

broou surf forecast and reports is a tool that shows the surfer how’s the forecast of the surfing condition in the exactly moment on his favourite surf spots and now it also has a feed of reports from other surfers that are already on the spot, so that you can decide if the surf is good or not to go out.

One click and you access the surf forecast for the next 5 days and can check the surf reports feed of that surf spot with the informations shared by the surf community.

For the brazilian coast line broou offers an exclusive shallow water surf forecast system. We use NOAA’s WW3 (Wave Watch III - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) wave model as the main data resource. For all the international surf spots available on the app we use the NOAA information without any data interpretation.

broou is the first surf app that really talks to surfers: an exclusive curation of the best surf conditions for each surf spot enables an automated analysis that tells if the surf conditions are good or not for that spot on this specific time.

If the icon is BLUE, means that that condition is good for the spot. But if the surf conditions on your spot aren’t good, use the GPS to quick compare the conditions of nearby surf spots.


this is for you, bro.

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