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Financial Literacy App

Financial Literacy App

by Arpa Studio

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  • Financial Literacy App
  • Financial Literacy App
  • Financial Literacy App
  • Financial Literacy App
  • Financial Literacy App
  • Financial Literacy App

The Financial Literacy App offers Calculation from almost every aspect that includes main from Banks, Financial Business and Stocks. Also the app will provide you the necessary information regarding each and every aspects and the Calculation leaving no doubt in finance. The most simplest app UI designed and easy to handle. Financial Literacy will guide you with all the calculation related to Finance and will help your concept related to finance to improve.

There are two aspects offered in the app the first is the calculation related to finance and the second is the theory for Finance. For every calculator there is a theory for that related calculation.

The four Major Factors Covered in this app is

  • Bank
  • Finance
  • Stock
  • Buisness



It has total of 7 Calculators and 4 additional theories. They are as follows

  • Loan Eligibility
  • Compare Loan
  • FD
  • RD
  • Saving
  • Loan to Deposit Ratio
  •  Credit Card Payoff
  • Accounting
  • Types Of Banks
  • Auditing
  • Loans


Loan Eligibility

It will tell if your are eligible for the loan or not, more over it will also give you an idea of who much amount of loan you would will be eligible for. It designed such that you have an rough idea of how much to take loan and help in plan for loan.

Compare Loan

We have a section were we can compare between to loan and choose a best loan choice for our self.

Fixed Deposit ( FD )

Calculate your fixed deposit maturity value, its interest value and maturity date.

Recurring Deposit ( RD )

Check up the recurring deposit maturity value, interest value and maturity date that is provided by several Post Office


Have a look to your saving and how which will it return after a certain period of time according to the interest provided by the bank.

Loan to Deposit ratio

Check your most important value of loan to deposit ratio which has the most vital role in the credit score

Credit Card Payoff

Have a check of the total Payment amount, Interest value and the date to Payoff Credit Card Debit of the credit card.



Learn about accounting how it works, types of accounting, requirement for accounting responsibilities and skill required for accountant and lastly importance of accounting for investors.


Types of Banks

Learn all the different types of banks in present day and its importance and role played in society.



Have a look on the brief description of bookkeeping accountancy auditing investigation and also look for the qualities for a good auditor and techniques of an auditing.



Study about everything about loan, the different types of loans and the eligibility for applying to the loan.



It has total of 13 Calculators and 4 additional theories. They are as follows

  • PPF
  • Simple and Compound Interest
  • SWP
  • SIP
  • Lumpsum
  • EMI
  • Mortgage Calculator
  • Tax
  • TVM Calculator
  • Bond Calculation
  • Salary Increament
  • Depreciation Calculator
  • IRR Calculator
  • IRR Calculator
  • Cash Flow
  • Bond Valuation
  • Security Market Efficiency & Return
  • Capital Structure


Public Provident Fund ( PPF )

It will allow you to calculate the PPF Maturity Value and interest value.


Simple & Compound Interest

The Most Basic thing used to calculate the simple and compound interest value and the total amount.


Systematic Withdrawal plan ( SWP )

Calculate your SWP and the amount of the withdrawal of a certain amount of money over regular interval of time.


Systematic Investment Plan ( SIP )

Check the return value of the mutual fund investment.



Calculate the future value of your lumpsum investment.


Calculate the monthly paying value of the loan.


Mortgage Calculator

Use the calculator to estimate monthly mortgage payements.



Calculate the value of the gst


Bond Calculation

Calculate the Bond Price and the Yield to Maturity and yield to call on Bonds.


Salary Increment

Make a prediction of the salary after a certain period of time.


Depreciation Calculator

Make the Calculation of the Depreciation Amount Ending Book Value.


IRR Calculator

Calculate the internal rate of return and measure the profitability of and investment.


Cash Flow

Understand in depth of cashflow with its types, uses ,etc.


Bond Valuation

Learn more in detail about bond valuation


Security Market Efficiency & Return

Here the Market Efficiency and differing beliefs over it is explained.


Capital Structure

Explore more in detail about the capitalization Structure.



It has total of 9 Calculators and 5 additional theories. They are as follows

  • Gross Profit
  • Cost of Good Sold
  • Discount Calculator
  • Break Even Point
  • Margin Calculator
  • Operating Margin
  • Effective Interest Rate
  • NPV Calculator
  • Buisness Forecast
  • BCG Matrix 
  • SWOT Analysis
  •  Product Lifecycle
  • Change Curve
  • Pyramid of Result


Cost of Goods Sold

Calculate the direct costs related to the production of the of the goods sold in a company.


Discount Calculator

Know how much discount you are giving.


Break Even Point

Check the no profit no loss Statement


Margin Calculator

Check the Margin of the goods sold


NPV Calculator

 Calculate the Net Present Value of ab investment with an unlimited number of cahflow


Business Forecast

Predict your Future Business Revenue



There are 6 Calculators and 3 Theory


  • Stock Return & Capital gain
  • Stock Break Evem & Profit
  • Stock Price Average Calculator
  • PE Ratio
  • Pivot Points
  • Fibonacci Level
  • Share Maret
  • What is Bull and Bear Market
  • Top Down Bottom Up Approach


Stock Breaks Even & Profit

 Calculate the no Profit no loss point in stock


Fibonacci Level

 Technical Analysis for determining support and resistance levels through Fibonacci retracement.


Stock Price Average Calculation

Check the Average value of your stocks

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