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05 Sep 2017 App Of The Day


by RA-Fit Club

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  • RA-Fit
  • RA-Fit
  • RA-Fit
  • RA-Fit
  • RA-Fit
  • RA-Fit
  • RA-Fit
  • RA-Fit
  • RA-Fit
  • RA-Fit
  • RA-Fit
  • RA-Fit
  • RA-Fit
  • RA-Fit
  • RA-Fit
  • RA-Fit
  • RA-Fit
  • RA-Fit
  • RA-Fit
  • RA-Fit
  • RA-Fit
  • RA-Fit
  • RA-Fit
  • RA-Fit
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  • RA-Fit
  • RA-Fit
  • RA-Fit
  • RA-Fit
  • RA-Fit
  • RA-Fit
  • RA-Fit
  • RA-Fit
  • RA-Fit
  • RA-Fit
  • RA-Fit
  • RA-Fit
  • RA-Fit

RA-Fit is your one app to track and record your workouts, body assessments, and macro-nutrients focused on a very clean and simple to use approach. It is your complete fitness app. Whether you are just beginning this journey to a fit and healthy lifestyle or a seasoned pro, RA-Fit is easy to use for everyone. Comes with built in timers; countdown, stop-watch and tabata. 

RA-Fit is stored on a server, so you can use the app on multiple devices without the hassle of backing up your data and restoring it on another device. RA-Fit is broken into 3 modules; Fitness, Assessments & Nutrition. Each area is equally important in order to help you reach your fitness goals. Separate menu options, which allows for easing navigation for each individual module.

Fitness Tracking
• Calendar with workout panel to easily see your activity
• Activity menu displaying all saved workouts
• Navigate to the workout via your activity menu option
• Add additional exercises to any past workout
• Update or delete any past exercise sets
• Easily see the exercise history from the recording screen by swiping across 
• Ability to copy, share, edit and delete exercises and workouts
• Allows you to record multiple workouts per day
• No predefined recording parameters; weight, reps, distance or time
• Set your own recording parameters for any exercise based on your type of workout
• Exercise filters; body part, exercise type, equipment type or exercise level

Assessment Tracking
• Track and record over 20 different assessments
• Simply input your data and see your calculations
• Height, weight, resting heart rate & blood pressure
• Skinfold and girth measurements
• Body fat%, waist to hip ratio, BMI, BMR & RMR
• Macro nutrient estimates based on body type
• Cardio endurance assessment
• Muscular strength assessment
• Flexibility assessment
• Muscular endurance assessment
• Core assessment
• Male & Female information and results screens for each of the assessments

Nutrition Tracking
• Daily calorie estimate based on your BMR and selected daily activity multiplier
• Macro-nutrient guideline based on your body type
• Sodium, sugar & water guidelines
• Track your macro-nutrients in grams and automatically calculates your daily calories
• Graphs showing surplus or deficit for; calories, sodium, sugar, water & macro-nutrients
• Graphs showing your daily inputs for, calories, sodium, sugar, water & macro-nutrients
• Nutrition information; recommended foods, GI index, vitamins, minerals & supplements

RA-Fit is your complete fitness app, gym workout tracker, assessment tracker, and nutrition tracker. With RA-Fit you can create your own workouts and be held accountable using the assessment tracker and nutrition tracker.

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