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Ramzan Tasbeeh Counter Zikir

Ramzan Tasbeeh Counter Zikir

by Dream True Apps

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  • Ramzan Tasbeeh Counter Zikir
  • Ramzan Tasbeeh Counter Zikir
  • Ramzan Tasbeeh Counter Zikir

Ramzan Tasbeeh Counter Zikir is a free gift for the Holy month of Ramadan. Tasbeeh counter free is your finger Tasbeeh for daily azkars. Digital Tasbeeh counter keeps your Zikir record on the digital led.
As the Holy month is on his way. In this blessing month, we try to do more and more prayers, tilawat e QURAN PAK and specially azkars and tasbihat. But we often forget the basic counting and for this purpose, we use Tasbeeh, digital counter and also count on our fingers. Tally counter is the simplest way for your basic counting and for you Zikir counting. 
Ramzan Tasbeeh Counter Zikir is a tally android app. Tasbih counter has some buttons. Count Button is for your counting your tasbihat, Zikir, and azkars. The reset button is for reset all the counts which will again start from zero (0). Digital led button is for light purpose through which you can easily watch your count even in darkness. Vibration button in tally app is also available for on/off the vibration with count click. 
Smart using of Tasbeeh Counter Digital Tasbih:
• Tasbih counter can be used as Zikir counter and Tasbeeh.
• The tally app can use for count up inventory when you want to make a checklist or when you want to do entrance in a list.
• The tally android app can use for the counting of individuals when they enter the stadium and so forth.
• The counter tool can use for the business purpose when you want in order to count your animals and birds such as cows, hens, parrots etc.
• Tasbeeh counter free can also use during scientific experiments.
• The tally counter can use in your shop when you wish to count your veggies or fruits like Mangoes, Oranges etc.
• Count up tally app can also use to play clicking games.
It is very common nowadays everyone has an android smartphone. Muslims do tasbih/tasbihat/Zikir and azkars after every prayer. So if you have forgotten your counter or Tasbeeh at home then don’t worry. Our Tasbeeh Counter Digital Tasbih is a real time tally counter. Which will fulfill your Sunnah wishes and you can complete your wazifah or wazaif through this new Tasbeeh Counter counting Zikir. 
Most of the people love to go for Umrah in the Holy month of Ramadan, and also for Hajj in Month of Zil hajj. There they need a tally counter for remembering their prayers and azkars. Digital Tasbeeh counter will help you there in every moment. Because no one can forget his mobile, and if you’ve mobile then you’ve smart Tasbeeh counter in your pocket. 
So get Tasbeeh counter free and continue your prayers, azkars and tasbihat each and every day of your life at any place.
We developed Ramzan Tasbeeh Counter Zikir for isale sawab. So remember us in your prayers.

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