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Uperbid - Anytime & Anywhere

Uperbid - Anytime & Anywhere

by Matt cutts

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  • Uperbid - Anytime & Anywhere
  • Uperbid - Anytime & Anywhere
  • Uperbid - Anytime & Anywhere
  • Uperbid - Anytime & Anywhere
  • Uperbid - Anytime & Anywhere
  • Uperbid - Anytime & Anywhere
  • Uperbid - Anytime & Anywhere
  • Uperbid - Anytime & Anywhere

Uperbid is an application designed to get Anytime, anywhere, any payment option, get any service (we have 90+ services) you want at your own price.

Uperbid can be used in the following manner:

1. Sign up
You can login right after signup, you can add or skip Credit Card step. You can add card later or just use Cash Deal.

2. Create Order
Select Service, Set Quantity, Set Your Desired Total Price, Set Destination Address, Save Order

3. Order Now
Select Cash Or Credit Card Payment Method, Select Provider, Send Request.
Provider has 2 minutes to accept or reject your request or send back a new price, You can Accept or Cancel.

4. During Service
Provider will notify you status: On the way, Arrived, Start and End Service

5. Service Completion
Show Invoice, Pay Cash, Review and Rate Provider

First platform (patent pending US 62355441) that can support ANY location based on demand services at the same time.
See more details on http://www.wewellc.com/

It comes with client app and provider app, This is client app.

Uperbid user can provide service at own choice and get service at own price.

Note:-For any service there are 90+ services you can serve (1 or more) or enjoy: driver, delivery, cook, tutor, plumber, electrician, road side helper ...
For anyone: as long as you have cell phone to run our client or provider app, you can provide or enjoy service.
At anywhere: no city limit and no country boundary
At any price: client can set any total price and provider can negotiate back.

Lets enjoy the on demand revolution.

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