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Who Is The Killer

Who Is The Killer

by bestescapegames

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  • Who Is The Killer
  • Who Is The Killer
  • Who Is The Killer

App Name: Who Is The Killer

App URL: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/who-is-the-killer-beg-part-1/id1224475150?ls=1&mt=8

App Description: Who is the Killer is a point and click type game, developed by Bestescapegames. There
were two friends name Nick and Michael . They were professionally reporters. Nick was killed in his
house while Michael went for a foreign trip. Only Michael knows there was a hidden camera in his house.
Now Michael has to find the hidden camera and other clues to catch the killer. Find out the related
objects and solve the puzzle to find out the killer. Keep playing and have fun.

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