The present world is extremely fast-paced. Numerous opportunities fly by you at a baffling speed. Every single person is in search of income-earning prospects suited to their comforts. However, not every job will cater to every single person’s comfort zone.

So, what do you do if you cannot find the right job? Freelancing is the perfect answer to that. Freelancing has grown to become a popular earning method for millions of people across the globe. No matter which industry they may be in, you will find hundreds of thousands of people part of their freelancing community and earning a decent living out of it.

You might still be concerned about whether freelancing is the right option or not. Well, we are here to guide you about all the ups and downs that a freelancer may face in their journey. So, let’s get started.

Who is a Freelancer?

A freelancer is a person, who is not bound by a single employer. They sell their professional services to people and organizations willing to pay the right sum for their services. This work dynamic gives total control and comfort to the freelancer as they are not bound by any rigid schedules and organizational rules.

All the work they do may be completed at their own pace as long as they are not lagging behind the deadlines. Not only does it give complete comfort to the freelancer, but they are also able to enjoy rather significant financial benefits as the payment rendered for their services is their’s alone. There’s no middleman, who will take a slice of your income, unless you opt for a freelancing platform. But those platforms just charge a small commission for providing you a pool of buyers.

How to Become a Freelancer?

There are several remarkable platforms such as Freelancer, Upwork, and Fiverr where you can find relevant earning opportunities in several industries. You can find work in conventional industries such as carpentry. Plus, opportunities in technological professions are even more abundant. All you have to do is follow this simple process to get started:

  • Hop on to the freelancing website of your choosing.
  • Sign up for an account.
  • Look up your preferred industry.
  • Browse for potential customers requiring your services.
  • Send them your portfolio.
  • If they like your portfolio, you may continue to final negotiations.
  • Start on with the work assigned.

How Does it Actually Work?

Basically, after getting work on the platform, you have to decide on several conditions of the project such as project outline, payment method, payment amount, deadline, and so on. You set up a certain fee for yourself while you also give a certain percentage of it to the platform and then you may enjoy the rest.

You can create packages of your services as well in which you can cross-sell complementary or related services. You can also offer to work short deadline projects, for which you can charge extra. After completing the task you send the work to the customer and payment is transferred to your bank account.

You need to ensure that you maintain a good reputation for yourself as even the slightest bit of tardiness can impact you adversely in the longer run. The sooner you deliver quality projects to a customer, you get a more glowing feedback, thus leading to a better reputation.

What Do You Need to Get Started?

All you need is a PC, your skills, and a high-speed internet service like Optimum internet as you will need to stay in touch with your clients on an instantaneous basis. For further details regarding such an affordable internet connection, you may visit BuyTVInternetPhone for a detailed service description of internet providers in your area.

Is It Worth It?

Everything in this world has its pros and cons. Similarly, there are ups and downs to the promising freelancing field as well. Below, you will find some of the most prominent advantages and disadvantages of freelancing.


  • The best thing about this form of work is that you are your own boss. You do not have to report to any bosses or managers whatsoever.
  • You can conveniently work from your living room, kitchen, and even your bedroom.
  • No need to get all dressed up for work.
  • You may set your own work schedule. No more getting up early and staying late at your workplace.
  • The income prospects are significantly higher as you do not need to share your income with any employer.
  • You have complete ownership of your work.


  • There is no steady in-flow of working opportunities.
  • Income stability is a huge risk in this field.
  • You have no extra benefits such as medical, EOBI, provident funds, insurance, and so on.
  • You may be subject to procrastination as there is no supervision.

All Things Considered

While the leap from a permanent job to a complete freelancing environment may be a huge one, you need to understand that all great things require some compromise in life. If you consider yourself dedicated enough to be completely loyal to your work, then there are limitless opportunities for you in the freelancing world. On the other hand, you might also face significant struggles if you treat freelancing cavalierly.