
Employee recognition events are more important today than they had ever been. With the pandemic crisis, the employees were forced to work remotely. It is due to this decision, most of the business and organization are still into existence.

All the thanks go to the workers and employees who have worked hard in the pandemic. This certainly calls for an employee recognition program. You can click on employee recognition examples to know employee recognition awards and ideas.

Yes, we know most of you out there have already started thinking “employee recognition event! That too during a pandemic?”

We are talking about employee recognition, but that does not mean you have to do it traditionally. Do Virtual Employee Award Programs ring some bells?

The Value Of Virtual Awards

Although it has already been a year, the pandemic is still going on. Every country is on high alert and following the pandemic safety norms. With that being in mind, we cannot hold any traditional; employee recognition program, can we?

That brings us to a virtual solution for the event. Running a virtual employee recognition program is not only possible but is also lucrative. Just think about it; we would not be wasting money on the given below overhead costs.

  • Rental of conference spaces.
  • Catering and menu stress.
  • No physical marketing collateral.
  • No transportation or accommodation costs.

Without the expense of these costs, the event will surely be successful. In fact, without the transportation cost, more people will become a part of the event.

Events Setup: Tools For Virtual Employees Recognition

Now that we know that there are real benefits to moving forward with this idea, the main question is how to actually do it? Let's find out the answer.

Here we are talking about virtual employee recognition events, which means everybody needs two things: Virtual conferencing tools and Social media live-streaming.

Virtual Conferencing Tool

There are several software applications on the market that cater to virtual conferencing features. For instance, you can use Zoom or Google Hangout, where you can simply invite every member of the organization.

In fact, these two applications cater to some interesting features where you can break the event into several rooms and hear specific speakers.

Or, if you have a budget to do something more creative and advanced, you can go for advanced event planner tools that facilitate live online events.

Social Media Live-Streaming

Live streaming on a social media platform is the best way to create excitement for the virtual employee recognition event. And while doing so, you can even do your online branding. Given below are some popular live-streaming platforms that you can use.

  • YouTube.
  • Facebook.
  • Instagram.
  • Twitter.

Once you have chosen a technology to support your live event, ensure that you have enough practice running to do the same thing smoothly on the day of the event.

Promoting Your Virtual Event

Now that you have planned for the virtual events and have selected the type of technology you are going to use. It is time to promote your events. It is very important if you want live viewers on your stream; this also adds brand value to your organizations.

The process is quite simple:

  • You send out the invitation.
  • Set ticket cost if it is a paid event.
  • Showcase your sponsors.
  • And give regular reminders about the events.

Virtual Ending

The virtual meets' main purpose is to recognize your remote working employees and offer them a sense of feel that they are important to the organizations.

Just like any other employee recognition events meet, virtual employee recognition will have everything. The only difference will be that everybody will be attending the event from their home with the help of technologies.

This will also help you gather new data on your audiences who view your live stream, but you will also have a new library of videos to add to your marketing programs for years to come.