Since the launch of Laravel in 2011, it has become a famous choice among developers for building business-focused websites and e-commerce stores. A significant highlight of this framework is that it allows fine-tuning its performance with minimum effort.

Although there's always room for doing better. Thus, to upgrade your Laravel website performance to the next level for high customer engagement, we have listed down some quick tips for you. You may implement these tips by asking for help from any Laravel development company and optimize your Laravel website for better performance!

Page speed score

Google page speed is one of the many vital parameters that is used to determine the speed and performance of Laravel websites. This parameter is a good score when your page speed is high, which further depends on four elements.

  • Images: Optimize images, whether static or the ones part of the website design utilizing different tools for the same.
  • Scripts: Make one folder for internal and external scripts, which makes it easy to manage.
  • Styles: Minimize the styles so that they can easily load while rendering the main page.
  • Server speed: Keep your regular check on the server speed to maintain a good page speed score.

The latest version of Laravel

Check if you are utilizing the most recent version of Laravel to build your website. In case you are using an older version, instantly upgrade your framework to the latest version to observe the performance benefits yourself.

You would be surprised to know that with each upscaled version, speed and performance are improved on a Laravel website. Although you would need to audit your code to safely update your existing website to the latest version of the PHP framework.

The right use of artisan commands

#FunFact: Did you know that using artisan commands correctly can give a boost to your Laravel website performance?

You can configure as well as cache the routes using artisan commands. It works on all previous versions of Laravel 5.5, from which it was removed.


  • Clean the configured cache using php artisan config: clear command.
  • To refresh the configuration, you just configure, use php artisan config: cache command.

Eliminate any unused service

Don't stack services that are of no use on your Laravel website. Utilize the server container framework provided by Laravel to add services in the provider error file that are of utmost use to you. Apart from it, remove the other unused services from the same as they create an unnecessary burden on the system.

Library use

Even though you can add as many libraries as you wish in Laravel, it is not recommended to do so. It is because with every new library comes an overhead on the application that impacts the overall experience of the customer.

To check the files in your library that serve no purpose currently on your website, use the config/app.php command. Further, analyze all the dependencies; you can scan the same using composer.json.

Use CDN servers

CDN servers will directly improve level performance while loading static data which takes less time as compared to without it. If your business website is getting famous, it is recommended to add the CDN infrastructure to it.

What does it do?

Let's assume there's a website hosted on a server in the UK. If anyone makes a request or accesses your website from India, it would take much time to load. This problem is directly solved by the CDN network.

CDN includes multiple static page caches. So when a request is made, it directly goes to the CDN first, and if the content is available, it will be directly presented to the user without taking any much time. It has proved to be a great tactic to improve content space as well as customer engagement.

SSL certificate

Since you have sensitive material on your business website, including customer information, it's important to keep it secured. Including an SSL certificate to your website enables defensive Shield Safeguards around your business website. It safeguards your website from any harmful attack that can put risk to vital information on it.

It is the finest approach to the upscale security of any website. You can earn the trust of customers with this small step as it confirms your identity on the internet.

Compress large images

You should be aware of the fact that large image files can delay the Laravel website loading speed. Thus to make it run faster, you need to compress the image. An array of tools is available on the web that compress the images while retaining the resolution and quality of those images.


For very large images, tinypng is the best tool to compress the images first and second by imagemin.


This is our ultimate guide on how you can optimize your present-level website for enhanced customer engagement. Every step listed above will contribute its part in various levels to get your desired results. Utilize them all and skyrocket the performance of your Laravel website to welcome infinite customers to your business.