Another year has come and gone, and the video marketing field just keeps evolving. This ever-growing industry is only going to continue to grow in popularity as internet video traffic will be 82% of all global consumer internet traffic by this year-- up from 73% in 2017.

The reason why online videos become internet users' favorite type of content is that it tells stories like no other. Using both audio and visual elements, videos can deliver a message that people can easily remember and understand.

Almost all digital platforms capitalize on videos-- from social media to news websites, and with the increasing demand for online video content, businesses are using this marketing strategy more than ever before.

That said, one thing to bear in mind here is that every year brings new trends and changes in this industry. And, 2022 is no exception. So, it’s important to stay ahead of the curve and know what latest trends to look out for. Here are some video marketing trends and stats you should be aware of in 2022 and beyond:

Video Marketing Trends and Stats

Trend #1. Increased Demand for Live Videos

Live videos are becoming increasingly popular, as they offer a more personal and interactive experience for viewers. Live video is expected to grow 15-fold by 2022 and reach a 17% share of all internet traffic.

This can be attributed to the fact that people love being able to interact with brands, content creators, and other viewers in real-time.

Trend #2. Short Explainer Videos are a Must-Have

Explainer videos are well-known for their ability to explain a concept in an engaging, short and simple way. In other words, it's an ideal type of video for introducing a brand and demonstrating how a product or service works.

That's why many brands invest in explainer video and place it on their homepage, social media platforms, events, email marketing, and even collaborate with explainer video companies. They're versatile and shareable.

Not only that. Explainer videos are also considerably easy and quick to create. There are tons of ready-to-use video templates that many video software provide. And if you want to create more professional-looking and fully-customized ones, you can consider working with an explainer video company.

Trend #3. More Video Content on Social Media

Social media platforms are heavily investing in videos– from teaser videos from your favorite movies to step-by-step cooking videos, with the goal of keeping users engaged for longer periods of time. Instagram has Instagram Reels, IGTV, Stories.

TikTok is a fastest-growing app. Meanwhile, on YouTube, there are at least 30,000 of new YouTube watch hours content uploaded per hour. And we haven't talked about Facebook, Twitter, and other socials yet.

By all means, businesses need to create more social videos if they want to reach today's target audiences. Also, since social media users are fickle, it's essential to rely on short-form social videos that tell stories.

Trend #4: More Use of VR Videos

VR videos are becoming increasingly popular, as they offer a unique perspective that traditional, classic 2D videos cannot provide. More than 78% of Americans are familiar with VR content and VR videos increased 20-fold between 2016 and 2021.

Already, businesses are using VR videos to create immersive customer experiences. Businesses in travel, hospitality, real estate often use VR videos to give a 360-degree view of their products and services. For example, Marriott has created a virtual reality tour of one of its properties so that potential customers can experience the hotel before they book it.

More Use of VR Videos

Trend #5. Internet Users Love Story-driven Videos

Gone are the days when businesses created online videos just to brag about their awesome features. Today, your videos need to have a compelling narrative that engages viewers from the very first second.

That's why storytelling is becoming more important than ever before when it comes to creating video content in 2022 and beyond. As you can see, every viral video tells stories.

A good story can help you build an emotional connection with your audience. When people feel that connection, they're much more likely to convert from viewers into paying customers.

Trend #6. Mobile-Friendly Videos are Essential

Mobile traffic is only going to increase in 2022 and beyond. In fact, more than two-thirds (67.1%) of the world's population now uses a mobile phone,

That's why you need to optimize your videos for mobile users, who account for over 70% of all video views on YouTube alone. But how? Here are some tips:

  • Keep the size of your videos short (less than 60 seconds) so that they load faster on mobiles
  • Make sure the text is readable on small screens
  • Use closed captions and subtitles to cater to deaf and hard-of-hearing viewers
  • Use an easy-to-use video player that's responsive to different screen sizes.

Final Thoughts

The future's not ours to see, indeed. But if we look at the trends and stats above, it's safe to say that video marketing will only become more important in 2022 and beyond and it will continue evolving in the years to come.

The next time you plan your video marketing strategy, think about how you can make use of these trends so that your videos stand out from competitors.