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Donut Cooking Games - Dessert Shop

Donut Cooking Games - Dessert Shop

by GameiMake

  • Donut Cooking Games - Dessert Shop
  • Donut Cooking Games - Dessert Shop
  • Donut Cooking Games - Dessert Shop
  • Donut Cooking Games - Dessert Shop
  • Donut Cooking Games - Dessert Shop

"Donut Cooking Games - Dessert Shop" game has come up with lots of mouthwatering desserts which make this cooking chef game amazing. A girl has opened up the sweet dessert cafe where you can find numerous delicious desserts and also you can learn to make those sweet desserts.

"Donut Cooking Games - Dessert Shop", the name itself shows that the cafe has so many varieties of the sweet desserts. This fun cooking game has included sweet dishes like donut, cupcake, sweet sandwich, pancake, ice candy, fruit jelly, ice cream, cake roll and other milkshakes. You will learn lots of dessert making in the food-maker game with lots of fun. There are so many different toppings and decorations for every dessert. So play this educational cooking game and do share it with your friends and family.

Key Features of My Sweet Dessert Cafe Game: 

- Learn to make so many different desserts
- Full procedure to make the desserts in this restaurant chef game
- Mouthwatering designs of sweet dishes
- Many tasty topping for the dish
- Decorate the dish in your own way
- Make a yummy donut using different ingredients
- Tons of adorable customers
- Perfect dessert maker game 
- Easy-to-play game for boys and girls

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