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Helix Egg Jump

Helix Egg Jump

by Chatora sant

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  • Helix Egg Jump
  • Helix Egg Jump

<style type="text/css"><!--td {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}--> </style> Like Helix Jump? Engage your brain with most populate dropping ball game. Helix Egg Jump is one tap controlled Jumping ball type arcade game with more engaging environments and eggs.

Control that falling egg with one tap and let them pass with empty space on helix. Let your brain engage with colorful maze and falling eggs and monsters. Play Helix egg madly, collect coins on tower and use them unlocking other eggs and cute monsters.

You can change environment and other characters as well by just collecting more coins while play Jump Helix Egg.

Features of Helix Egg Jumping Game
- 4 Different Environment
- 16 Easter Eggs
- 4 Monsters
- 50 levels
- Rewarded Levels
- Easy to Difficulties with Speed.

How To Play Helix Egg Jump
Egg Jump is very easy dropping ball game to play. Maintain a strategic distance from obstructions available on helix tower and reach at bottom of helix tower.

Enjoy the Game!

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