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Rigged Word Scramble

Rigged Word Scramble

by Solution Analysts

Categories Tags
  • Rigged Word Scramble
  • Rigged Word Scramble
  • Rigged Word Scramble
  • Rigged Word Scramble is a gaming app where normal scramble word has a secret that reveals the word
  • It appears as a gag that the player can pull off while unscrambling the word
  • It is a multi-player game


  • Game mode can be changed to 'Rigged' so that the scramble game looks legitimate but has a gag in it
  • First time users will encounter Uncle Andy Rigged Jumble branding which the user can keep to disguise and make it appear as a regular scramble game
  • It is a pass and play game and each jumble has 1 round of play on one device
  • The game allows player to enter a word and as the player types, word suggestions from the game's word list are displayed
  • Once the player is ready, they tap 'Done' and the user can either shake the device or press scramble button to scramble the word
  • The unscramble screen will have letters of scrambled word on individual tiles floating on the screen and a letter tray matching the number of letters in the word
  • There is hint button for each game that will randomly drop a letter into the correct slot on the tray and fix it so that the player can't move it
  • Once the player has filled the tray, they can hit the 'solve' button and be rewarded for the correct answer or try again if the answer is wrong. Every wrong guess will be penalised
  • The 'How to Play' screen has a cloaked and rigged version. The cloaked version has help text that is part of the gag and the rigged version reveals that the fame is rigged and explains the trick
  • The About screen has a cloaked and rigged version. The cloaked version has Ivy League BS text and rigged version reveals that the game is a gag and has Uncle Andy Toys About text
  • The game can be carried to any iOS or Android mobile device 
  • It can be shared on Facebook, Twitter, SMS and email

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