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Cathy Cena

Cathy Cena

by Ali Haider

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Hi, I am Cathy Cena, a woman who has struggled for many years about how she looks, what she weighs, and what people think of her. My hope is that this book gives you some tips on how to overcome what you may not like about yourself and turn that into love. I have done a lot of research in this field and my hope is to change one person's thinking about who they are.

What are your thoughts on your body right now, in this particular moment? This is a difficult question for many women. It's one that can elicit a wide range of feelings including shame, dread, and annoyance. The good news is that a positive response to that question is possible.

No matter what size you are, you can learn to appreciate your body. Losing weight does not guarantee self-acceptance. Accepting yourself stems from your ability to love yourself right now, no matter where you are on the size of the spectrum. I believe that having a positive body image is beneficial to everyone. Give yourself permission to appreciate your body exactly as it is right now, with no conditions attached.

Appreciating your body as an adult is a revolutionary and important act. Not only for yourself but to show others that the perfect physique is the one that allows you to live your own beautiful life, regardless of what society considers "the perfect body."

We all have areas of our bodies that we'd like to improve, and that's fine, but you're not going to change by hating yourself or listening to what your critics say. The best way to be healthier is to love your body, and yourself. Ignore your critics. Shame corrodes the part of us that feels we can change for the better. To put it another way, disliking your body won't buy you a new one. But what about your body? As a result, you'll be able to make decisions that respect your own physiology.

This book is a personal story about loving your body at any size. I wrote it with you in mind; to teach you how to ignore your critics, accept and love yourself.

Cathy Cena

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