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Electro Shop 24

Electro Shop 24

by GuruLabs

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Developing online appliance store Electroshop

It is necessary to develop a full-featured online store with convenient navigation by product categories for easy shopping.

Target audience

Individuals and legal entities interested in buying electrical products for home and building works.

Key concept

Arrange all the necessary technical requirements with interesting design solutions which should be visually pleasing for web site visitors and create a loyal image of the online store for the target audience.

1. Market Research

Thoroughly research the market and the company's major competitors Electroshop, identified the key behavioral factors of buyers in the industry. It takes into account the advantages and disadvantages of companies with similar products.

2. Design concept of the site layout

Developed complete image is needed for the development of the site which takes into account all the opportunities offered by future visitors. The site layouts were carried out in accordance with all the wishes of the customer including interesting design decisions that made the web site bright, original and at the same time coherent and convenient.

3. Development, testing and launch of the web site

The main requirement was to develop a full-fledged functional online store, so an important role in the implementation of the project was done by web-page designer and developers. There were implemented such technical possibilities as a personal user account, shopping cart, feedback forms and other useful features on the web site. A full range of goods of Electroshop store based on product categories and their characteristics were added at the catalog.

Result: Such complex technical solutions as an opportunity to create a new account and online shopping cart were done by the team GuruLabs without any effort. The more complex the project is, the more interesting it is! The project was delivered on time, and the customer was satisfied with the work done.

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