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Filter Concept Pvt.Ltd.

Filter Concept Pvt.Ltd.

by Filter Concept Pvt.Ltd.


We offer complete filtration system solutions for different industries which requires different filtration requirements of air filter, gas filter & liquid filter to control fluid, almost all industries like Oil & Gas, Petrochemicals, Pharmaceuticals, Steel & Power, Cement, Formulations, Fertilizers, Textile, Paints & Inks, Chemicals, Mines & Mineral, Electronics, Water Treatment, & many others. All our products are standardised by ISO 9001 and international designs for distribution in all major countries across the globe. Filter Concept today is reckoned world’s leading solution provider to the most complex filtration requirement of different Industries globally. By providing our services and products to small and large industries we have won many national and international awards, certificates over the world.

Now we are expanding our business to UK market and opening branch shortly there. And also starting our new venture of manufacturing and selling of Air purifiers and Air filter products for home and industrial use. With these, we are also maintaining our responsibility towards the environment. We are arranging different CSR programs and by making people aware towards the environment.

One of the reasons of our company growth is our leadership which in hands of Mr Mehul Panchal. He is one of the dynamic young entrepreneurs in India. And we know that with his big vision we can achieve more and more in upcoming years.

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