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by fossbytes

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My Thread Reader is an online web app which help Twitter users to turn long Twitter threads into a nice readable blog posts. So that you can enjoy reading tweet threads from your twitter feed without any distraction. So when you turn a twitter thread into a post, not only you get to read text from the tweet, but you also get to see photos and videos embedded between the post.

How to read Twitter threads like blog post?

Method 1: On Twitter

  1. Follow @myThreadReader on Twitter
  2. Post a reply to first tweet of the Twitter thread that you want to read.
    For eg.
    @myThreadReader please read
  3. @myThreadReader will reply you with the url of webpage where you can read full Twitter thread.


Method 2: On website (myThreadreader.com)

  1. In you Twitter feed, open a thread, and copy link of the first tweet.
  2. Paste that tweet link in the above input box.
  3. Click or Tap on the "Read Thread" button, and you will get your full thread.

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