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St.Assisi World School

St.Assisi World School

by St.Assisiworldschool


Hi Readers,

A few thoughts for reflection!

As we journey deeper into the 21stcentury, creativity and innovation will become the brightest stars in the constellation of 21st-century skills. New ideas, innovative products, novel services, and fresh solutions to local and global problems will increasingly power our emerging Innovation Age. So how do we best prepare our students for a future of work that does not still exist, careers that have not yet been invented, an economy that prizes things not yet created, and that puts STEAM into the learning plans for every child?

The 21st century world needs learners to be critical, to be creative, and to be strategic. The 21st century world demands citizens to do their own thinking, rather than rely on someone else to think for them. The 21st century world expects leaders to have the endurance, fortitude, and courage to brave each new challenge with confidence and competence.

These three concepts – to be, to do, and to have – are central to helping students to become lifelong learners. The learning habits and attitudes that we teach our students will enable them to become effective contributors to this world. From my personal experience, I know that teaching habitude can and does change lives. I believe the seven habitudes 1. Imagination 2.Curiosity 3.Self-awareness 4.Perseverance 5.Courage 6. Passion and 7.Adaptability represent essential behaviors for improving our students’ performance in school and in the world beyond....

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