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B.I.G - WordPress Theme for Any Business Idea

21 May 2018 Theme Of The Day

B.I.G - WordPress Theme for Any Business Idea

by Bohdan Bershadskyi

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We bought the best premium plug-ins instead of you! 

Having spent more than 700$ we are saving for you 153$. Buying B.I.G. you are investing in 100% profitable offer! The price of the template is only a donation considering the fact that every detail of the template costs much more than you pay. 

Why is this profitable? You get all 7 plug-ins with premium content and the template with huge functionality. All the mathematic and logical reasons prove your benefit in buying B.I.G. You want more? Contact me: wwwebinvader.com 

B.I.G Theme is the New Conclusive Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme. It has proper pure design, extensive functional, mega-flexible demeanor. The B.I.G provides advertence for every action or decision of yours. Perfect control is granted by Full Pack Visual Composer. You become the owner of an overall Admin Options Panel. 

Completely Responsive

B.I.G. is a completely responsive Wordpress Theme. Every element is fully responsive including amazing Parallax Slider and others. Your website looks incredible everywhere. The whole Theme fits to using device.

Page builder

B.I.G. comes with a highly packaged version of The Visual Composer and including a big quantity of different modules. Express yourself creating pages with drag & drop simplicity.

Potent Admin Panel

B.I.G. includes an amazing and friendly options admin panel. You have abilities to customize and change the basic constituents of your site with only a few clicks and without any coding.

Page and Post Options

B.I.G. allows you to easily customize and create your content for each page, blog, portfolio, posts. Create your own sliders, background colors, sidebars and layouts without efforts.

Completely customizable

With B.I.G. you can create anything you desire from the uncountable amount of capabilities for any field! You can create your own business, portfolio, blog, magazine, agency website and over it. B.I.G. is limitless.

Including retina

B.I.G. provides you a wide power to customize your content on each page in your blog, portfolio, post, slider. Apply sliders, sidebars, layouts mega-easily.

Shortcode maker

You don?t have to recall any shortcode working with Visual Composer because it speedy creates pages with custom modules. Whatever you want to create is already provided with Visual Composer.

Easy to work with

B.I.G. gives you opportunity not to waste your time for setup, you can add whatever you want by a few clicks and get the result immediately. Simple system of creating pages, posts, layouts becomes you helper.

LMM-Menu build-in

B.I.G. has LMM-Menu that already build-in for you! It?s a perfect decision if you have a large menu. It can content anything ? from images and maps to any widgets. Every item of menu has an icon without any coding.

Any backgrounds

You have a pure power to customize every part of your website and make it personal with backgrounds, sliders, video and images or widgets using images, patterns, colors in different areas of your website.

Custom sliders

B.I.G. gives you the best slider-widgets ever, besides these you have some amazing author designed ready sliders waiting for you! And even more! You can change anything in your sliders and make it unique.


B.I.G. includes Woocommerce with modules and full design integration with an incredible design. Visual Page Builder allows you to create you own custom shop page without any problem.

CSS3 Animation

B.I.G. provide you CSS3 animation for every module. Choose the animation you like with a click on Awesome Admin Panel, you will be surprised how easy can be creating process! Your website looks alive and attractive.

Limitless Colors/skins

Backend and Frontend Color selector are included therefore you can easily and quickly change the color of your B.I.G. theme. Besides this you can choose ready site colors in a click.

Innovative Header Options

B.I.G. gives you different header designs that can be set up by a click from a friendly Admin Panel. You can change the order of elements, change colors, position of the logos, menus and much more

And much more …

B.I.G Theme is powerful ground to create your own website without coding! Take a look demo and Buy it Right Now! 

Multi-Purpose B.I.G. is the key for the future of Chances and Opportunities for your field. Get the ability of being sunk into mind, Make them remember you at every turn. You obtain permanent support and timely updates, unending stream of fresh ideas and tools for performing them real and vivid. The core of B.I.G is the ability to be approachable, flexible and advanced.