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Cali Construction & Renovation React JS Template

14 Oct 2023 Theme Of The Day

Cali Construction & Renovation React JS Template

by Slidesigma


Cali Construction & Renovation React JS Template

Cali Construction & Renovation React JS Template is a website designed and developed to help Construction & Renovation companies to easily launch their React website in no time. Cali Construction & Renovation React JS Template is a seamless react js template which unpacks all the power of React latest version. What makes Cali Construction & Renovation React JS Template different from other construction React js templates, is the amount of effort and attention we've put into this template from design approach to code structure and validation.

Buy Cali Construction & Renovation React JS Template today and start selecting the section which matters to your business most. We've included over 30 React components which you can move around to any page without loosing functionality.

Cali Construction React JS Template is best used for construction Building, construction business, construction company, construction html, engineering, factory, home renovation, industrial, industry, maintenance services.

Cali Construction & Renovation React JS Template Pages

  1. Homepage (/app/components/pages/Home)
  2. Homepage v2 (/app/components/pages/Hometwo)
  3. About Us (/app/components/pages/About)
  4. Portfolio Grid (/app/components/pages/Portfoliogrid)
  5. Portfolio Grid Left (/app/components/pages/Portfoliogridleft)
  6. Portfolio Grid Right (/app/components/pages/Portfoliogridright)
  7. Portfolio Details (/app/components/pages/Portfoliodetails)
  8. Portfolio Details Left (/app/components/pages/Portfoliodetailsleft)
  9. Portfolio Details Right (/app/components/pages/Portfoliodetailsright)
  10. Blog Grid (/app/components/pages/Blog)
  11. Blog Grid Left (/app/components/pages/Blogleft)
  12. Blog Grid Right (/app/components/pages/Blogright)
  13. Blog Details (/app/components/pages/Blogdetails)
  14. Blog Details Left (/app/components/pages/Blogdetailsleft)
  15. Blog Details Right (/app/components/pages/Blogdetailsright)
  16. Shop Grid (/app/components/pages/Shop)
  17. Shop Grid Left (/app/components/pages/Shopleft)
  18. Shop Grid Right (/app/components/pages/Shopright)
  19. Shop Details (/app/components/pages/Shopdetails)
  20. Error 404 (/app/components/pages/Errorpage)
  21. Coming Soon (/app/components/pages/Comingsoon)
  22. FAQ's (/app/components/pages/Faqs)
  23. Gallery (/app/components/pages/Gallery)
  24. Contact Us (/app/components/pages/Contact)
  25. Services (/app/components/pages/Services)
  26. Service Details (/app/components/pages/Servicedetails)

Go to /app/App.js and see the urls & find the appropriate modules for every pages.

Cali Construction & Renovation React JS Temaplate Features:

  1. Built on React 18.1
  2. Attractive Homepage
  3. Responsive in Any Device
  4. Retina Ready
  5. Creative and Beautiful Layout
  6. Fast, Lightweight & Powerful
  7. Smooth Transition Effects
  8. ES6+
  9. Clean And Professional Coding
  10. Creative and Modern Design
  11. Bootstrap (v4.5.3)
  12. Simple Client-side Routing (page based)
  13. Google Font and Icon Used
  14. Integrated With IcoFont and FlatIcon
  15. Easily Customizable
  16. Well Commented Code
  17. Detailed Documentation

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