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Campa Hiking Campground And Camping Angular JS Template

Campa Hiking Campground And Camping Angular JS Template

by Slidesigma


Campa Hiking Campground And Camping Angular JS Template

Campa Hiking Campground & Children Camping Angular JS Template was designed to impress. You can say the best just got better with Campa Hiking Campground & Children Camping Angular JS Template you can easily customize you website and select the components which are mandatory to your website.

This template is a best fit for bungalows, camping, cottages, outdoor general purpose business, hiking, tent rental shop, resort and personal influencer.

Campa Hiking Campground & Children Camping Angular JS Template has all the pages needed such as about us page, blog details page, blog grid page, blog list page, cart page, case studies page, case studies 2 page, case study page, checkout page, contact us page, FAQ page, pricing page, product single page, service details page, services page, services 2 page, shop page, team page, Wishlist page. Along with a contact form script to help you link your website to your email in seconds.

Campa Hiking Campground & Children Camping Angular JS Template is a fully responsive website template with cross browser compatibility. Campa Angular JS Template can be uploaded to your server in not time at all and you'll have a Vrooooom website in minutes!

When you buy this template you get Continuous Product Updates, Detailed Documentation, HTML Files, Images, Icons, Fonts and a support team to help you with any challenge you might face along the way. Click on View demo to See Campa Hiking Campground & Children Camping Angular JS Template in action.

Campa Hiking Campground and Camping Angular JS Template Pages

  1. Homepage (/app/components/pages/home)
  2. Homepage v2 (/app/components/pages/home-two)
  3. Blog Grid (/app/components/pages/blog-grid)
  4. Blog List (/app/components/pages/blog-list)
  5. Blog Details (/app/components/pages/blog-details)
  6. About Us (/app/components/pages/about)
  7. Contact Us (/app/components/pages/contact)
  8. Team (/app/components/pages/team)
  9. FAQ's (/app/components/pages/faqs)
  10. Service v1 (/app/components/pages/services)
  11. Service v2 (/app/components/pages/services-two)
  12. Service Details (/app/components/pages/service-details)
  13. Case Studies v1 (/app/components/pages/case-studies)
  14. Case Studies v2 (/app/components/pages/case-studies-two)
  15. Case Study (/app/components/pages/case-study)
  16. Pricing (/app/components/pages/pricing)
  17. Shop (/app/components/pages/shop)
  18. Shop Details (/app/components/pages/shop-details)
  19. Wishlist (/app/components/pages/wishlist)
  20. Cart (/app/components/pages/cart)
  21. Checkout (/app/components/pages/checkout)

Go to /app/app.routing.modules.ts and see the urls & find the appropriate modules for every pages.

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