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Eldee Elderly House Care Landing Page HTML5 Template

Eldee Elderly House Care Landing Page HTML5 Template

by Metropolitanthemes

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Eldee Elderly House Care Landing Page Template is Neat, clean and simple design 100% fully validated HTML5 Template with 16 sections packed with best website functionalities to enhance your fist impression on clients.

Eldee Elderly House Care Landing Page HTML5 Template is Cross Browser Optimized, Well Commented CSS files,

Eldee Elderly House Care Landing Page HTML5 Template is best used for beauty, beauty blog, beauty center, beauty products, beauty salon, beauty shop, Cosmetic store, makeup salon, nail, nail bar, nail design, nail salon, salon, wellness

Eldee Elderly House Care Landing Page HTML5 Template is Powered with the latest version of the Bootstrap framework, this template includes all necessary resources to build a functioning website without breaking the bank.

Eldee Elderly House Care Landing Page HTML5 Template includes header - hero - about-us - blog - services - counter - team - Call to Action - testimonial - portfolio - Pricing Table - contact-form and footer.

Eldee Elderly House Care Landing Page Template is easy to use and can be setup in your server in not time, all images used in Eldee are free stock images included in the files. Eldee Color combination: black and white with a touch of dark green.

A Detailed documentation is available and our support team is always available to help you with any challenges you might face.

Eldee Elderly House Care Landing Page HTML5 Template Functionalities:

  1. Pre-loader Functionality
  2. popup Functionality
  3. Back to-top Functionality
  4. Sticky Menu
  5. Functioning .php Contact-form

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