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Live Event – Conference, Meetup Muse Template

03 Dec 2019 Theme Of The Day

Live Event – Conference, Meetup Muse Template

by Tektheme

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We put a lot of work into our designs, and our adobe Muse themes are no exception. Our team spends days making sure that every little deal is perfect. We wrote a short guide to get you started with your new Muse Theme.

Luckily everything in Muse is pretty simple – to start just go into your downloaded folder Called “Main Files” and open the file called “01-index.muse” (this will open straight into Adobe Muse Software if installed in your pc or mac.) We have included some other files too, which you can find in the “assets” folder. Once you’re inside that folder you’ll find a lot more folders with names matching, what’s inside them.

PS: To be able to edit everything on the page you should right-click and select “Unlock All on Page”, and to add metadata like Keywords, page description etc. You need to right-click and select “Page Properties”.

If you are looking for modern event, conference and meetup website, then EVENT will be the best choice for you.

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