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Martalaa Church and Non Profit HTML5 Website Template

Martalaa Church and Non Profit HTML5 Website Template

by Slidesigma


Martalaa Church and non-profit HTML5 Website Template

Martalaa Church and nonprofit HTML5 Website Template was designed and developed after intensive research with the help of a church congregation and its pastor to make sure that we have covered all the features which a church could use to increase donations, tithings and to keep its congregation and followers up to date with church events, donations accumulated with links to the church social media which can be found easily on each page to increase traffic to social media portals.

Martalaa Church and nonprofit HTML5 Website Template included sermons, events, ministries, donations, and blog posts, in addition to over 26+ 100%, W3c validated pages. Matalaa is ready to receive emails from your congregation, with a functioning contact form that can be easily linked to your church email, it's as easy as 1,2,3.

Martalaa Church and nonprofit HTML5 Website Template is not limited to church needs, but it goes above and beyond with its extended features such as shop portal with all its related pages from cart, checkout, and product details.

Martalaa Church and nonprofit HTML5 Website Template is fully supported by our team and includes detailed documentation to help you get started and have your website online in minutes.

Martalaa Church and nonprofit HTML5 Website Template Pages Included (26 pages)

  1. about us page
  2. blog details page
  3. blog grid page
  4. broadcast page
  5. cart page
  6. checkout page
  7. contact us page
  8. donation page
  9. donation archive page
  10. event details page
  11. events page
  12. faq page
  13. home v2 page
  14. home v3 page
  15. index page
  16. ministries page
  17. ministry details page
  18. product single page
  19. sermon details page
  20. sermons page
  21. services page
  22. services 2 page
  23. shop page
  24. volunteer detail page
  25. volunteers page
  26. wishlist page

Martalaa Church and nonprofit HTML5 Website Template Functional Features

  1. Functioning contact form
  2. Cross-Browser Compatibility
  3. Included documentation
  4. Google font
  5. SEO friendly code
  6. Easy To Customize
  7. Support and Update
  8. And Much More…
  9. Sources & Credits
  10. Bootstrap 4 +
  11. jQuery v3.3.1
  12. FontAwesom

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