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Mitox Gardening & Houseplants React Js Website Template

24 Nov 2022 Theme Of The Day

Mitox Gardening & Houseplants React Js Website Template

by Slidesigma


Mitox Gardening & Houseplants React Js Template

Mitox Gardening & Houseplants Built on React 18.1 Template is a complete React Js components website using bootstrap 4.0 grid website template designed for Gardening & Houseplants. This template was designed for online flower shops, Gardening tools businesses, Gardening accessories, houseplants and outdoor trees and gardens.

Mitox Gardening & Houseplants Clean And Professional Coded with Smooth Transition Effects, Retina Ready and fully responsive across all devices and compatible with all browsers.

We have included a detailed documentation to get you started in less than 5 minuets. Any challenges you might face along the way, we would be more than happy to assist you.

Mitox Gardening & Houseplants React Js Template Pages

  1. Homepage (/app/components/pages/home)
  2. Homepage v2 (/app/components/pages/home-v2)
  3. About Us (/app/components/pages/about)
  4. Portfolio (/app/components/pages/portfolio)
  5. Portfolio Details (/app/components/pages/portfolio-details)
  6. Services (/app/components/pages/services)
  7. Service Details (/app/components/pages/service-details)
  8. Team (/app/components/pages/team)
  9. Team Details (/app/components/pages/team-details)
  10. FAQ's (/app/components/pages/faqs)
  11. Gallery (/app/components/pages/gallery)
  12. Contact Us (/app/components/pages/contact)
  13. Shop Grid (/app/components/pages/shop)
  14. Shop Left (/app/components/pages/shop-left)
  15. Shop Right (/app/components/pages/shop-right)
  16. Shop Details (/app/components/pages/shop-details)
  17. Cart (/app/components/pages/cart)
  18. Checkout (/app/components/pages/checkout)
  19. Wishlist (/app/components/pages/wishlist)
  20. Blog Grid (/app/components/pages/blog-grid)
  21. Blog List (/app/components/pages/blog-list)
  22. Blog Details (/app/components/pages/blog-details)

Go to /app/app.routing.modules.ts and see the urls & find the appropriate modules for every pages.


Mitox Gardening & Houseplants React Js Template Features:

  • Built on React 18.1
  • Attractive Homepage
  • Functioning contact form
  • Responsive in Any Device
  • Retina Ready
  • Creative and Beautiful Layout
  • Fast, Lightweight & Powerful
  • Smooth Transition Effects
  • Clean And Professional Coding
  • Creative and Modern Design
  • Simple Client-side Routing (page based)
  • Google Font and Icon Used
  • Easily Customizable
  • Well Commented Code

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