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Pasterz - Church HTML5 Template

Pasterz - Church HTML5 Template

by Themeganj

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Pasterz - Church HTML5 Template, Pasterz is made for `Church , It can also use for campaign, charity, christian, church, churches, donation, ministry, ngo, nonprofit, prayer, religion, religious, sermon. Pasterz is made on bootstrap which is fully responsive . Pasters is compatible with Chrome, Internet explorer ,Firefox and safari . Please have a look on template demo .

Pasterz - Church HTML5 Template Included Pages and Features :

about us page

blog page

blog details page

contact us page

home 2 page

index page

portfolio page

portfolio details page

service details page

services page

team page

Detailed Documentation

Clean Code

Custom Font Support

Smooth CSS3 animations

Built with HTML5, CSS3 & bootstrap 4

Fully Responsive

Cross-browser compatibility

Quick, Dedicated & Professional Support

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