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Photwa Creative Photography Portfolio Landing Page HTML5 Template

03 Aug 2022 Theme Of The Day

Photwa Creative Photography Portfolio Landing Page HTML5 Template

by Metropolitanthemes

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Photwa Creative Photography Portfolio Landing Page Template is 100% fully validated HTML5 Template with 16 sections packed with amazing functionalities to enhance your fist impression on clients.

Photwa Creative Photography Portfolio Landing Page Template is slick and easy to customize given the commented code in every page and in the CSS style sheet. The code has been validated using W3C validation to make sure no errors are available in the code. When you buy Photwa, you will get a website built on developed with the Bootstrap 5.0 framework latest version.

Photwa Creative Photography Portfolio Landing Page Template has a scroll header which helps to guide the users to the desired section they are searching for. This template can also be used as a blog website given that we've included all the blog pages a blogging website would require.

This template is best used for creative website, creative photography, gallery, photo studio, photographers, photography, photography business, photography portfolio, photography studio, portfolio, professional photographer.

Photwa Creative Photography Portfolio Landing Page HTML5 Template includes header - Slider- about page - blog archive - services archive - counter section - team page - Call to Action section - testimonial - portfolio - Pricing Table - contact-form and footer.

Photwa Creative Photography Portfolio Landing Page HTML5 Template Functionalities:

  1. Pre-loader Functionality
  2. popup Functionality
  3. Back to-top Functionality
  4. Functioning .php Contact-form

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