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Design Nominees
Pixel Lite - Free Bootstrap UI Kit

31 Oct 2020 Theme Of The Day

Pixel Lite - Free Bootstrap UI Kit

by Themesberg

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Pixel Lite Bootstrap 4 UI Kit is a beautifully crafted UI Kit based on Bootstrap 4 Components. This theme was built following Bootstrap's methodologies by the heart. It has 100 components, 3 plugins and 3 example pages.

The Kit is Fully Responsive, has 100% valid W3C Pages and has great Google PageSpeed Insights scores.

Every component is carefully created to be 100% responsive and to resemble the practices of Bootstrap 4 requirements. Kickstart your project with this handy UI Kit created by Themesberg.


  • 100 Unique components
  • 3 Example pages
  • Modern Design
  • Fully Responsive
  • Bootstrap 4
  • jQuery
  • Header
  • Quality code
  • Free Logo & Images
  • Font Awesome Icons
  • and many others..

Online documentation

The documentation can be found at themesberg.com.

Built by Themesberg

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