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RafCart - Multipurpose eCommerce Bootstrap5 HTML Template

26 Mar 2022 Theme Of The Day

RafCart - Multipurpose eCommerce Bootstrap5 HTML Template

by CodeGrape

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RafCart comes with 3+ unique home layouts and a total of 37+ pages which include list and grid view shop page, product view, cart, checkout, wishlist, login, register, profile, my orders, track order, etc. Which are completely ready for real-world project use and also come with well-written documentation that will help to understand the template easily. 

RafCart - Multipurpose eCommerce HTML Template is compiled with creative and modern-looking design and not overloaded with unnecessary things. So you can create any kind of eCommerce website like tech, fashion, accessories, shoes, bags, t-shirts, electronics, furniture, sports, toys, books, pets shops, medicine stores, etc. And also we followed the industry-standard best practices when writing the code so you can easily modify anything you desire.

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