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Tatatour - Tour and Tourism HTML Template

Tatatour - Tour and Tourism HTML Template

by Themeganj


Tatatour - Tour and Tourism HTML Template , Tatatours is made on bootstrap and it has got valid code . Tatatours is suitable for tourism listing ,tourguide listing . Tatatour has got all pages related to tour and tourism . If you are looking forward to get and tourism template this would be perfect template .

Tatatour - Tour and Tourism Template Pages

404 page

about us page

agency archive page

agency details page

blog grid page

blog left sidebar page

blog list page

blog right sidebar page

blog single page

coming soon page

compare listings page

contact us page

faq page

favicon page

gallery page

guide archive page

guide details page

home v2 page

home v3 page

index page

legal page

listing details v1 page

listing details v2 page

listing details v3 page

listing grid page

listing list page

listing map page

login page

pricing page

pricing v2 page

profile page

profile listings page

profile saved listings page

register page

services page

services v2 page

submit listing page