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Tilakam Church and Religious React Js Template

14 May 2023 Theme Of The Day

Tilakam Church and Religious React Js Template

by Slidesigma

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Tilakam Church and Religious React Js Template

Tilakam Church and Religious React Js Template was masterfully sculpted for churches and can be used for most religious websites. Tilakam Church and Religious React Js Template is a fully responsive with clean code seamlessly structured to help optimize the website speed and page rendering. With Minimal Modern layout designed and Free Google font along with all the images used, Tilakam is your best choice in the market.

This template include amazing features such as Parallax background, Event countdown, Event & Sermons pages, Modern Blog Look and feel, Cross Browser Compatible with a pixel perfect rendering. All necessary React Js components and pages which are required to customize your website are included with the Tilakam Template. The user-friendly features allow you to easily customize this template from colors combination to sections and components.

Tilakam Church and Religious React Js Template is perfected to match your needs with a new look modern design and newly revised functionalities.

Tilakam Church and Religious React Js Template is a perfect choice for:

  1. Non profit organizations
  2. Church
  3. Churches
  4. Religious website
  5. Donation portal
  6. Religious group
  7. Religious news website

Tilakam Church and Religious React Js Template Pages

  1. Homepage (/src/components/pages/Home)
  2. Homepage v2 (/src/components/pages/Hometwo)
  3. Homepage v3(/src/components/pages/Homethree)
  4. Blog Grid (/src/components/pages/Blog)
  5. Blog List (/src/components/pages/Bloglist)
  6. Blog Masonry (/src/components/pages/Blogmasonry)
  7. Blog Details (/src/components/pages/Blogdetails)
  8. About Us (/src/components/pages/About)
  9. About Pastor (/src/components/pages/Pastordetails)
  10. History (/src/components/pages/History)
  11. Prayerwall (/src/components/pages/Prayerwall)
  12. Contact Us (/src/components/pages/Contact)
  13. Event Grid (/src/components/pages/Event)
  14. Event Details (/src/components/pages/Eventdetails)
  15. Event Extended (/src/components/pages/Eventextended)
  16. Sermon Grid (/src/components/pages/Sermon)
  17. Sermon Details (/src/components/pages/Sermondetails)
  18. Donation Grid (/src/components/pages/Donation)
  19. Donation Details (/src/components/pages/Donationdetails)
  20. Shop Grid (/src/components/pages/Shop)
  21. Shop Details (/src/components/pages/Shopdetails)
  22. Wishlist (/src/components/pages/Wishlist)
  23. Cart (/src/components/pages/Cart)
  24. Checkout (/src/components/pages/Checkout)

Go to /app/App.js and see the urls & find the appropriate modules for every pages.

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