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Whyknot Wedding And Event Listing React Js Template

29 Oct 2023 Theme Of The Day

Whyknot Wedding And Event Listing React Js Template

by Metropolitanthemes

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Whyknot Wedding and event listing and wedding planner React Js Template has more than 25 react components which are easy to manage and customize, while following a detailed professional documentation which will help you get started.

All images used in this template are stock free images from Shutter stock & Un-splash and free icons by Flaticon. All the assets including fonts has been included in the product file. All the code in this template is fully commented and professionally structured with emphasis on website optimization and rendering speed.

Whyknot Wedding template is designed to reflect wedding planning industry, we haven't left any rock un-turned to make sure that we have included all the sections and pages which a wedding planner or agency would need to build a professional website which will keep client on your website for longer than the average session time.

Whyknot Wedding and event listing and wedding planner React Js Template is a modern React template designed and developed specially for:

  1. wedding planners
  2. wedding vendors
  3. wedding business
  4. wedding venues
  5. baby showers
  6. wedding dress designers
  7. wedding photographers
  8. and more

Whyknot Wedding and event listing React Js Template Pages

  1. Homepage v1 (/src/components/pages/Home)
  2. Homepage v2 (/src/components/pages/Hometwo)
  3. Homepage v3 (/src/components/pages/Homethree)
  4. About Us (/src/components/pages/About)
  5. Blog Grid (/src/components/pages/Bloggrid)
  6. Blog List (/src/components/pages/Bloglist)
  7. Blog Left (/src/components/pages/Blogleft)
  8. Blog Right (/src/components/pages/Blogright)
  9. Blog Details (/src/components/pages/Blogdetails)
  10. Services (/src/components/pages/Services)
  11. FAQ's (/src/components/pages/Faqs)
  12. Pricing (/src/components/pages/Pricing)
  13. Coming Soon (/src/components/pages/Comingsoon)
  14. Error 404 (/src/components/pages/Error)
  15. Login (/src/components/pages/Login)
  16. Register (/src/components/pages/Register)
  17. Legal (/src/components/pages/Legal)
  18. Contact Us (/src/components/pages/Contact)
  19. Wedding Grid (/src/components/pages/Listinggrid)
  20. Wedding List (/src/components/pages/Listinglist)
  21. Wedding Map (/src/components/pages/Listingmap)
  22. Wedding Details v1 (/src/components/pages/Listingdetails)
  23. Wedding Details v2 (/src/components/pages/Listingdetailstwo)
  24. Wedding Details v3 (/src/components/pages/Listingdetailsthree)
  25. Submit Weddings (/src/components/pages/Submitlistings)
  26. Compare Weddings (/src/components/pages/Compare)
  27. Vendor Archive (/src/components/pages/Agentarchive)
  28. Vendor Details (/src/components/pages/Agentdetails)
  29. Profile (/src/components/pages/Profile)
  30. Profilelisting (/src/components/pages/Profilelisting)
  31. Profilesaved (/src/components/pages/Profilesaved)

Go to /app/App.js and see the urls & find the appropriate modules for every pages.