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ahadees in urdu | farman e mustafa

ahadees in urdu | farman e mustafa

by muhammad haris

  • ahadees in urdu | farman e mustafa
  • ahadees in urdu | farman e mustafa

"ahadees in urdu | farman e mustafa" applications contains a 1000 Ahadees in Urdu. These are verbalizations reported

from our

beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). "ahadees in urdu | farman e mustafa" application hopes to increment your erudition of

Islam and prays that you lead a better life by following the footsteps of Prophet Muhammad and his Islamic way of life.

"ahadees in urdu | farman e mustafa" app contains following
- features:
- Learn Hadees in Urdu language.
- Very facile to access any page.
- Urdu language Hadess for all.
- Preserve page where you left reading.
- Best Hadees app for all people with pagination.
- Amassment of 1000 Hadees in Urdu
- Verbalizes of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W)
- Islamic best app for all Muslims.

The following are the main topic of "ahadees in urdu | farman e mustafa"

* Bevi k sath sulook
* Mehmaan Daari
* Danashmandi Aur Farasat
* Shirk
* Qabooliat Dua ki sharaait
* Sadqa o Khairaat
* Hajj aur Umrah
* Jannat Ki Zamanat
* Tijaarat
and a lot more topics of "ahadees in urdu | farman e mustafa"

Download "ahadees in urdu | farman e mustafa" app for free to get this precious erudition and spent your life

according to the Sunnah of Holy Prophet (PBUH)

"ahadees in urdu | farman e mustafa" App contains accumulation of Hadees Sharif in Urdu language. These ahadees are

authentic and taken from Sahih Bukhari, Sahih Muslim or Abu Dawood. "ahadees in urdu | farman e mustafa" for all Muslims to

read and learn.

"ahadees in urdu | farman e mustafa" is one of the Kutub al-Sittah (six major hadith accumulations) of Sunni Islam.

These prophetic traditions, or hadith, were amassed by the Persian Muslim philomath Muhammad al-Bukhari, after being transmitted

orally for generations. Sunni Muslims view this as one of the three most trusted amassments of hadith along with Sahih Muslim and

Muwatta Imam Malik. In some circles, it is considered the most authentic book after the Quran. The Arabic word sahih translates as

authentic or veridical.

"ahadees in urdu | farman e mustafa" is the Hadith Book for Muslims in with simple but stylish layout. Useful Features

are built to provide the maximum ease of use of this App.

Enlighten your erudition of Bukhari Sharif Hadiths. Read "ahadees in urdu | farman e mustafa"! Download “"ahadees in urdu | farman e mustafa", your ultimate cull app to read authentic Hadith amassment from Bukhari Sharif.
The Hadith is the record of verbally expressions of Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), these verbalizations were amassed by famous Muhaddiths and composed into Hadith books. "ahadees in urdu | farman e mustafa" were accumulated by Imam Bukhari. These Ahadiths are an authentic legislation for Muslims after the Holy Quran.
“Sahih Bukhari Urdu Hadith Book” contains Islamic Hadees accumulation form Sahi-al-Bukhari book of Hadiths. This authentic Hadith accumulation is available for you in Urdu language, so you require not translate them to understand

he best among you is he who learns the Quran and edifies to others (Bukhari)
The Best Book in world is Holy Quran and The Best way is the way of Muhammad S.A.W.

"ahadees in urdu | farman e mustafa" is an android application that is amassment of forty hadees e Nabwi S.A.W. in Urdu Translation."ahadees in urdu | farman e mustafa" application is the best app to recollect and learn hadith in the best way.

"ahadees in urdu | farman e mustafa" is an authenticated book of Hadith. "ahadees in urdu | farman e mustafa" is a religious android app which contains the verbally expressions of Holy Prophet (PBUH). "ahadees in urdu | farman e mustafa" app is specially designed for the native users to get the better understanding of Islam.

"ahadees in urdu | farman e mustafa" App contains accumulation of Hadees Sharif in Urdu language. "ahadees in urdu | farman e mustafa" for all Muslims to read and learn.

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