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IceBreaker: Have Better Dates

IceBreaker: Have Better Dates

by Best app makerz

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  • IceBreaker: Have Better Dates
  • IceBreaker: Have Better Dates
  • IceBreaker: Have Better Dates

How much does a polar bear weight? Enough to break the ice! Dating is hard and awkward. Going further than a few jokes and the usual shallow topics is not an obvious exercise for everybody.

Remove the awkwardness! let IceBreaker ask the real questions for you. You just have to sit down with your date, relax, swipe and answer honestly the questions you will read to each other.

The questions are from a study by Arthur Aron ( http://www.icebreaker-app.site/static/study.pdf ). This is super scientifically proven! You are going to have a great date!

Icebreaker won't make you fall in love, but you'll know super fast all that really matters.

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