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Zenland AR

Zenland AR

by Mobiman

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  • Zenland AR
  • Zenland AR
  • Zenland AR
  • Zenland AR
  • Zenland AR
  • Zenland AR
  • Zenland AR

The universe has gifted humanity a little helper. An out of this worldy fun loving, positively energetic little entity who's harmoniously balanced & vibrates @ high velocities.
Meet Otto ur lucky Zen pet 2D Rescue.

He's here 2 guide and remind humanity that they possess the highest power in existence... the power of LOVE but, only those who seek it can set the magic free.

Humanity has forgotten who they are. They hold the key to save themselves from extinction for they are energy with one collective consciousness designed to connect energetically and flow with the energy of LOVE.

As energy never dies it transforms
And humanity has the power to transform themselves by seeking within and finding their true purpose in life.

The time has come for humanity to ignite the light and reunite with their true identity and become who they really are - "LOVE".

In order to succeed on the quest to find the love inside humanity, must dare become the change they wish to see in the world.

Allow ur lucky Zen pet to lead the way.

Humans, unblock your energies and see how potent you can be.

I am divine love
I live inside of you
Come and find me!

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