Digital marketing has become mandatory to remain competitive in 2020. Either you develop apps or games, you need to adopt digital marketing to grow your business. Digital marketing gives you brand awareness and presence on social media. It has increased interest in digital marketing to remain innovative and updated. Digital marketing not only gives you an online presence but it also gives you potential customers.

As per Statista, there are a total of 250 million digital consumers in Southeast Asia in 2015 and it will be doubled by 2025. A large number of consumers are using apps and games so you need to be careful while adopting digital marketing trends. By 2021, the game industry would generate revenue worth $180 billion. The apps and games industry is generating revenue in the billions by viewing the stats.

Digital marketing trends provide a major impact on your app and games business. Any user before going to purchase or download anything always checks its online presence on social media. In this article, we will talk about the digital marketing trends for apps and games industry for startups and already set up. There are several mobile app development companies in Singapore providing digital marketing services to grow apps and games. These trends are highly recommended and adopted.

Digital Marketing Trends for Apps

Deciding which strategy should be adopted for your app marketing can be a difficult one. Different apps require different strategies. You need the right promotion strategy to remain active. Here we will talk about digital marketing trends that will help you to grow your business. You need to keep eye on:

1. Optimize for App Stores

You need to optimize your app store to improve your app ranking as you optimize for website optimizing. The app listings should be optimized to be visible on search results. This will give you potential users and enhance user satisfaction. Ranking your app can be a daunting task but if you optimize your app store correctly, it will improve your app rankings.

2. Engage Your Audience With Video

Users prefer video over written content. So make short videos about your app functions and features and attack other links so that users can also promote your video on different social media platforms. The Edit video online with video editing tools to ensure the video is short, descriptive, and informative so that it educates users and attracts them to download your app. Make your video less than 60 seconds and include a call to action in the video content.

3. Have a Social Media Presence

You need to maintain your brand awareness on social media. Social media will help you to build your online presence and give you potential customers. Social media will help to get insights about customer demographics, interests, location, and pain points. Through social media, you can run your paid ads and reach a large group of audience. Metrics like likes, comments, and shares gives you insight into your target audience.

4. Influencer Marketing

Influencers have a massive fan following and they can impact your app. If you have a budget you can go for influencer marketing. They can share your app with a large group of audience and influence them to download your app. They charge some commission but it promotes your brand awareness for a lifetime in the market. Get some who are relevant to your app business.

Digital Marketing Trends for Games

Gaming industry generates revenue in billions. The game industry is booming because of its artificial intelligence, augmented reality, and mobile marketing. The digital marketing trends the game industry should adopt:

1. Using Augmented Reality in Games

Augmented reality came into existence in 1968 by Ivan Sutherland. Augmented reality is used in games but it is also used in social media platforms to interact with target audiences. Augmented reality gives users a digital environment while playing games. It creates thrilling experiences with the help of computer-generated objects. Some examples are Snapchat lenses, Pokemon Go, etc.

2. Live Streaming

Live streaming is also a kind of video marketing for social media platforms like Facebook live, Instagram lives and stories, youtube live, etc. You need to record a video, instead of it, you can directly connect with your audience in real-time. It increases excitement and loyalty towards your audience. Live streaming has become popular in recent years and more and more consumers use live streaming.

3. Voice Search

Video games are booming because of voice search. Some marketers like Google, Alexa, and Siri have incorporated voice search to provide better customer experience. Voice search helps to gather data and increase brand influence. You can opt for a voice search feature and research the content the users are using in your voice search. After collecting the data, you can optimize your content.

4. Video Marketing

The marketers use video to promote their games as shooting videos is not costly. You can optimize your video content that promotes your games. How-to videos should be included in the video content. Your video content should be problem-solving and to the point. Consumers prefer videos rather than text content. To optimize your video according to users' interests and desires.


Digital marketing is continuously changing its trends so you need to be aware of new technologies. New and new trends are coming each year. You have to adapt to the dynamic environment to remain competitive. Digital marketing gives wings to your business. It has generated a lot of revenue for the apps and games business. You just have to adopt the right trends for your app and games and optimize it accordingly.

In this article, we have discussed a few trends for apps and games that are highly recommended. The trends are changing with time but few trends keep going and it helps to gather. The data helps us to generate content that is highly optimized and increase user engagement. We hope this article covered basic points to growing your app and games business.