Time is not always an ally. You often find yourself working against time, with so much work to do but less time at your disposal. Hence, when it comes to productivity and growing your business, how you spend your time often comes under scrutiny. If you seek to boost productivity, you must always have and follow a water-tight schedule. In most instances, this is often nearly impossible.

However, a sure-fire way of managing time is to employ time tracking applications for Android devices. These tools come in handy when it comes to time management. In selecting a good time clock app, there are specific parameters to consider. They include focus, compatibility across different platforms, time reports, and so on. This article lists ten great project time tracking applications for your usage.

  1. Timenotes: Timenotes, a good time clock app, is one unique application that is simple and has high accuracy to give you proper control of your time. Timenotes is a simple tool you can use to manage your business time without paying exorbitant prices. It features an easy setup, clear reporting of how you spend your time in your company, and ways to manage your time properly for improved productivity.

  2. Boosted: In the introduction above, we listed time reports as one of the core features of any good time tracking application. In this respect, Boosted outshines other time tracking applications. Currently featured as a free application on Android, Boosted is a straightforward time tracker with an impressive layout. To give you a detailed account of your time, Boosted has line-graphs that show you recorded time.

  3. Rescue Time: Rescue Time hands you back the control of your time. Rescue Time features an impressive technology that allows you to track time automatically, block distraction, set goals, and do so much more. Furthermore, Rescue Time monitors what applications you use and how long you spend using them. If you are offering SEO services in Brisbane, you might end up wasting time on social media. In such cases, Rescue Time helps you determine if the time spent is productive or otherwise.

  4. WebWork Time Tracker: WebWork is a time tracker that offers accurate and easy time tracking for Android users. It has an easy setup, a simple UI, and versatile time-tracking features. Users can accurately track not only time but also geolocation. If a user’s work requires them to be on the road, they can turn on geolocation tracking and WebWork will do the rest. The tracked time and location data can then be shared with the employer.

  5. Punchtime: Punchtime reduces the headaches that come with timekeeping. It is the ultimate time clock app that allows you to keep an eye on employee check-ins. Punchtime brings a unique kind of synchronization that allows for an automated time checking procedure. Regarding its area of use, Punchtime is best suited for operating companies that seek a better understanding of how time is spent and employees’ movement to create policies around it. Entrepreneurs determined to leverage on business growth should integrate Punchtime into their system.

  6. Hubstaff: Hubstaff is another powerful time tracking gadget one must possess. Hubstaff allows you to keep a constant check on your team, including how they work and how they spendapportioned time. Hubstaff offers you options like an online timesheet, individual or group report, or a team calendar. Hubstaff is available on the android platform. Also, there are two versions for your pleasure—free basic or premium plans.

  7. Toggl: Toggl is a versatile time-monitoring application that allows you to keep track of various activities seamlessly across different platforms. Toggl is a powerhouse in terms of its users. Many opt for Toggl because it gives useful insights and helps optimize workflow. Toggl has advanced features such as background tracking, a one-click timer, auto-tracker, and more. So, when you look to take on tasks, Toggl is your ideal application.

  8. Maniac Time: When you mention Maniac Time, another word follows "automatic." Yes, Maniac Time is an Android application that automatically records time usage and application. Maniac Time runs in the background, capturing applications, documents, or websites used. Maniac time then uses the data collected to give a comprehensive track of time.

  9. Harvest: Harvest delivers you timesheets and does it with such convenience. Harvest gives you a strong time-tracking presence so that you can always stay abreast of every situation. Furthermore, it is straightforward for you to embark on very detailed time-tracking with Harvest at your disposal. Other interesting features of Harvest is managing your invoice and recording expenses.

  10. Click Time: Click Time is a remarkable application that helps you stay in touch with your employees. It allows you to plan and oversee employee time. Also, Click Time enables you to budget time for each member of your team. With Click Time at your disposal as a company owner, you are sure to always be in the loop when it comes to all employee activities in real-time. Click Time also integrates various features on the application. One of these is the business insight feature. With this feature, Click Time gives you sufficient data to plan budgets, evaluate teamwork, and judge your collaboration on current projects.

  11. Tmetric: Tmetric is a powerful time tracking application that gives you insight into running your business. Tmetric is an application built for professionals. Tmetric has a convenient control over your time intervals, and you can make calculations based on the time apportioned or spent on each project. Also, you can measure the performance of your team and engage other clients.   Lastly, Tmetric integrates various platforms such as Basecamp, Trello, Gira, Asana, Zen Desk, and other business software.

The time they say waits for no one. This adage is the bedrock of the development of various time tracking applications that ensure that you control time and have time as an ally. Do you find this article useful? If you do, please add your comments below.