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Design Nominees
Galaxy Tripper

30 Oct 2016 Game Of The Day

Galaxy Tripper

by zazen

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  • Galaxy Tripper
  • Galaxy Tripper
  • Galaxy Tripper
  • Galaxy Tripper
  • Galaxy Tripper
  • Galaxy Tripper
  • Galaxy Tripper

Galaxy Tripper is a game about a spaceship that has to ascend upwards from one planet to another until it reaches the destination planet. As you travel the galaxy, you can see the shimmering stars, and the faint background score makes the game even more serene and enjoyable.

The planets that it hops to has different points. for example, the yellow ones give you 2 points. The red ones 1 point and the blue ones which are quite rare, give you 4 points. There are also black colored planets that are somewhat like black holes and will deduct 1 point from the score.

The game has 40 levels + an endless mode. Once you unlock the 40 levels the endless mode gets unlocked. As the game progresses, the number of planets decrease and more and more obstacles turn up. The more you practice the better your skills get and the faster you can complete the levels. As you complete the levels the background color changes from Violet to Indigo to blue to green to yellow to orange to red.

The endless mode is one of the most beautiful level in the game. You have to ascend the galaxy indefinitely with only your skills and a calm mind and enjoy the moment as you progress as the background color changes. The endless mode is all about speed and skill. The obstacles change randomly and if you take too long you lose. You can share your score globally and try maintaining your score on the global leader boards.

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