WordPress is the most popular website building platform today. There are almost 500 million WordPress websites on the internet, which is an impressive number. Just how WordPress is everyone's favorite CMS, that's how SEO is the go-to strategy for improving search ranking and increasing website traffic. While both of these elements are fantastic on their own, they are even better when combined. Let's see how to make WordPress and SEO, website accessibility work together to benefit your business.

WordPress dashboard on a laptop, symbolizing reasons to make WordPress and SEO work together to benefit your business

Using WordPress plugins

One of the reasons why WordPress is such a good platform is because it allows you an array of useful plugins. They have evolved so much in the past few years, and you can now build websites around their functionalities.

These plugins are also optimized for SEO. For example, if you are creating a blog, and you want to increase the traffic for it, you should use the Yoast SEO plugin. This useful addition tells you all the requirements that will make your articles optimized for search engines. Through it, you can track the number of keywords, metadata, optimize images, and keep track of many other essential elements of SEO. It is the perfect combination of a useful plugin that improves your website ranking at the same time.

A person clicking on the Search button

XML sitemap with WordPress

If you want people to find your website, website crawlers must find your pages. This is done through an XML sitemap. It is a list of all the pages and URLs on your website, and it explains the website structure to Google. That's why it is so important that all of your pages are connected.

WordPress automatically generates an XML sitemap for you, so you don't have to create it yourself. Furthermore, whenever there is a change, like adding a new page, for example, it automatically updates the sitemap and notifies search engines. The entire process is very important because it helps you to increase your online presence. Without it, people would not be able to find your website.

This is a very useful feature because you don't have to think about creating the sitemap, or making any updates to it.

Using metadata

One of the crucial factors of an efficient SEO is the proper use of metadata. Per WP Full Care, this is one of the segments that many website owners don't do correctly.

Every page on your website has a title and a meta description. These are like IDs of your pages, and they tell engines about the page content. Both page title and meta description need to contain keywords related to that page, and they must be of proper length.

WordPress makes this easy for you, by tracking all of the requirements through plugins.

WordPress easily integrates with social media

There are many useful widgets that will help you to make your content shareable. This is a crucial strategy that will significantly boost your SEO and your profit from social media. If you are advertising products on your blog, connecting social media accounts with your website and allowing visitors to share will have a positive impact on your business.

A person pointing to thumbnails of various elements of the SEO process

Thanks to the ease of use, you can set this up very quickly, and without any coding.

WordPress does SEO for you

We can all agree that SEO is the most technically difficult part of building a website. On top of that, the requirements constantly change. Luckily, WordPress does more than 90% of SEO for you, substantially cutting down the time required to make your website visible for search engines.

WordPress reduces SEO errors

It is easy to make mistakes when working on the SEO of your website. WordPress keeps track of all the requirements and reminds you about things that need to be corrected. Furthermore, it even does not allow you to make some mistakes.

For example, you should never create duplicate content. Also, all of the URLs should be meaningful and clear to read. This is very important for the website structure.

WordPress helps with tracking both things. Furthermore, it also has built-in options for when there is a problem with page loading. Instead of breaking the website, it will display a corresponding "404" page.

Easily link your pages

We already spoke about the importance of an XML sitemap, and how it affects your website. WordPress manages page linking in a very simple way. You can add any inbound or outbound links in just two clicks. It also takes care of the page hierarchy on its own, so you don't have to worry about messing up the URL and breaking the page.

An illustration of a girl sitting in front of a huge monitor with SEO elements on it

The entire dashboard is very intuitive, and it simplifies the process of connecting your pages.

Doing website maintenance is easier with WordPress

Website maintenance is often a challenging process. It requires the help of a professional web designer. Without website support, you would not be able to fix errors or make any changes or take care of specific tasks.

WordPress makes it possible to do maintenance on your own easily. You can update any page you want, add or remove content, and fix potential issues with pages. All of this is possible with no coding at all.

Because this is so simple to do, you will never have to worry about messing up SEO when making changes to the website.

Make WordPress and SEO work together to benefit your business

You now understand how WordPress and SEO work together to benefit your business. The ease of use WordPress provides is perfect for this task. SEO has never been this easy to manage. Thanks to the plugins specifically created to take care of SEO requirements, you may relax and enjoy running the website. If you show a little more effort and learn a couple of technical aspects of WordPress, you can become a professional WordPress administrator, and make use of the more advanced features. With that in mind, best of luck with making your website work for your business!

META DESCRIPTION: Let's see how you can make WordPress and SEO work together to benefit your business. Here is why WordPress is the best!